The most important factor behind my success

I was recently asked this question and I thought I’d share my answer:

Focusing on love, being in a calm state of mind, and having brilliant mentors. I started Peace From Within to help others reconnect to their natural peace of mind, resiliency, and wellbeing through sharing the principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness as described by Sydney Banks.

Loving myself allowed me to move to the beat of my own drum and share lighthearted and impactful videos on social media. Sydney Banks wrote, “Love and understanding harmonize the mind of humanity to its true inner nature. What you give in life is what you receive. To give love is to receive love. A mind full of love and good feelings can never go wrong.” 

I gave love, and received it back! My business took off and before I knew it I was approaching burn out. Loving myself and living mostly from a calm state of mind allowed me to recognize early when I was feeling overwhelmed and I reached out to my mentor Sarie Taylor. I didn’t beat myself or waste time analyzing why I got burnt out. I honored the fact that I noticed. In the words of Elsie Spittle, “When you ‘see’ without judging yourself, and without blame, you’ve got freedom.”  I give myself full permission to be me and that means sometimes I start taking life and business too seriously. Through working with my other mentor Dr. Bill Pettit, I’ve come believe that life is too important to take seriously. Dr. Pettit always says if he hasn’t had a hearty laugh by noon that lets him know he’s taking life too seriously. That is very true for me and something that I find myself returning to again and again. 

From working with Dr. Pettit I’ve come to see stress and it’s symptoms as alarms/with information/from love. When we start innocently using the power and gift of thought in a way that’s unhealthy (e.g., getting caught up in stressful thinking) there are alarms that go off. These alarms are from love and are letting us know to leave our thinking alone. When the mind clears get a feeling of peace and have a greater chance of hearing wisdom. Dr. Pettit has consistently pointed me back to Syd’s work and this quote pops up again and again for me, “When the desires of your mind trouble your spirit your life becomes turmoil. My advice is to free yourself from too many desires. Life on earth is short.”

Dr. Pettit has taught me to ask myself, “does this lighten my heart and quiet my mind?” This helps me return to a calm state of mind filled with love and understanding. The more I live from this place the more creative I am, the more I can hear my wisdom, help others, and experience a level of connection and intimacy that is breathtakingly enjoyable and filled with love.


Returning to balance after a very low mood


Love & compassion