Health Anxiety Introduction

Course Notes

How to Access the Course

Accessing this course is easy! Simply come to my website and log into your account via the login link in my top navigation. Please note, you’ll have to log out of your account if you want to get back to the main website navigation. When you’re logged in you’ll see the Member Area navigation and not the website navigation.

Course Navigation

You can easily navigate the course lessons via the navigation at the top of this page. Each lesson also has a footer pagination for the previous and next lessons.


This is a friendly reminder that any of the content in this course is copyright protected and cannot be used or sold elsewhere. Thank you for your appreciation of the hard work and considerable effort I put into all of my content.

Support & FAQ

Please reach out to me if you would like additional support and check out the most frequently asked questions.



Please remember that I am not a medical doctor, nor practicing in this way as a licensed psychologist. I am a licensed school psychologist, and am currently practicing as a registered three principles practitioner. The information presented in this course is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. The information presented here is by no means complete or exhaustive and therefore does not apply to all conditions, disorders, and health related issues.

I advise anyone taking this course to consult your medical doctor and/or licensed psychologist or psychiatrist before changing or altering the course of treatment, including changes to medication.

If you have health concerns, it may be beneficial to get a physical check-ip to rule out any serious ailments. If you experience any emergency during this course, I’d request you contact the right authorities in your region.

By moving forward with this course, you content to the following information presented in this course for educational purposes only.