Module 3
The Keys to Peace
This module introduces the three principles understanding, which is what changed my life and brought me freedom from anxiety, panic and OCD.
This is a newer video that I made for another course. There is some repeating information and I read Amy Johnson’s take on the golden buddha because it’s so good. I wanted to include it because my understanding is always deepening and you might hear something new.
I usually don’t make any recommendations, but I do think if you’re on social media, it can be helpful to unfollow or mute people that are contributing to your anxiety (even if at first you thought they helped). You can even start by unfollowing or muting me! If it’s a family member or friend muting them might be the best thing for your mental health. Unfollowing a lot of accounts was really helpful when I was healing from health anxiety ocd/orthorexia.
I mention that I like @thefoodsciencebabe and that she might be helpful if you are healing from orthorexia, but upon reflection I realize that the videos she stitches might be triggering. Use your own judgment and only follow people that lighten your heart and quiet your mind.