Weekly Q&A: “How Do I Talk My Child Through Anxiety?”

Listening deeply is the first thing that comes to mind. In the video I talk about when my daughter experienced anxiety about flying and throwing up when she was younger. I share drawings that we did together and it's very cool because to see her working it all out on her own! It is important to remember that our children will hear and react to the quality of our feeling, not to our words. If they hear and feel love and understanding they will expand and open to what comes next. Children (and adults) are wise and resilient!

It can be helpful to deepen your own understanding of anxiety (you're already doing so watching my videos) so you're better able to listen, talk, and guide/teach your children.

In the video I share some children's books and parenting books I love. I've worked with children for 20 years and for 12 of those as a school psychologist so please don't hesitate to book a session if you'd like to talk about something further.


Weekly Q&A: “How Can I Stop My Anxiety From Manifesting As Anger And Control Issues?”


What Are Intrusive Thoughts