
Upon reflecting on some of the things we talked about on the call tonight, I wished I had asked or talked a bit more about the principles more directly. The question on fear of heights, made me reflect on the session we had on consciousness and Jack Pransky’s book Seduced by Consciousness. It might be helpful for you to go back and watch that one again and/or read his book.

I was also thinking about the discussion on the fear of being away from home. Syd Banks said that humans have one problem and it's that we try to control our experience when experience is meant to flow. When we can have an arms open wide feeling towards our experience it flows!

It made me remember a conversation with Dicken Bettinger when he relayed that Syd said, “Consider that if you’re not feeling good it has something to do with thought.” Whenever you have a problem and you’re looking for an answer, stop looking outside, look within. It’s all thought. Wake up to that and look within. Come back to a deeper understanding. Come back to what’s always the answer- pure thought, pure mind, pure consciousness. If you touch that space it will wake up a feeling and a knowing that will guide you.

Pure thought is love.
Pure consciousness is love.
Pure mind is love.
Look within to silence and a feeling. It’s a nice feeling. Thought contracting (anxiety, depression).Thought expanding (feeling better).

What you’re looking for is when you fall out of thought. In that feeling of love and expansion and connection, you’ll have all the common sense you need to deal with any problem because wisdom doesn’t have anything to do with the intellect. You fall out of thought and wisdom takes over. You put it all together and that’s what love is. Is silent, heartfelt knowing, that’s our core, that’s our essence, that’s our spiritual, can’t be hurt, can’t be damaged.
Love. Dropping out of your tension, stress, and upset thinking, into the quiet, knowing, present. Love is always always the answer. Syd would say Don’t take my word for anything I say, I’m trying to point you to the truth. No matter what you’re experiencing, your thinking can always change. You can change your mind, but your little mind can’t do that. Big mind can so get out of the way and let big mind do that. Consciousness. Consciousness changes.